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Artiste - Femme - 67 ans
Beaconsfield (Buckinghamshire), Royaume-Uni
Oeuvres d'art > Oeuvre d'art : Raoni against the massacre of the Amazon rainforest and its inhabitants
Raoni against the massacre of the Amazon rainforest and its inhabitants
Ajouté le 27-02-2021

Présentation de l'oeuvre d'art

Chief Raoni, defender of the Amazon rainforest, denounces the harmful deforestation which is accelerating, each year a little more (34.5% in 2019 alone) to make way for plantations for the production of coffee and cocoa.

Nom de l'oeuvre d'art Raoni against the massacre of the Amazon rainforest and its inhabitants
Année de création2021
Technique Peinture Pastel
Forme d'expression Non précisé
Style Non précisé
Thème Non précisé
Disponible à la location Non
Disponible à la vente Oui, au prix de 800 euros
Oeuvre uniqueOui
Taille50x70 cm
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