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Artiste - Femme - 67 ans
Beaconsfield (Buckinghamshire), Royaume-Uni
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Kalène a ajouté une oeuvre d'art.
Le 27-02-2021
The snow leopard's fur is still used today to make fur coats and potions in China (made from its bones). In addition, the decrease in its habitat, ...
1 photo
Peinture > Pastel
Chief Raoni, defender of the Amazon rainforest, denounces the harmful deforestation which is accelerating, each year a little more (34.5% in 2019 a...
Rising temperatures, less predictable rains increase the extent of droughts and floods that ruin crops and impoverish soils. No longer able to feed...
Early mowing of meadows, spreading of pesticides. 75% of the biomass of flying insects has disappeared in the past 27 years. Besides the beauty of ...
Le 23-12-2020
This work describes the consequences of our daily actions on global warming. And even if the polar bears are far from us, we are destroying their e...
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